Picup location:
“Stavern” has sleeping space for up to 6 people. This caravan can be used all year, as it has both central heating and floor heating. The carriage is equipped with a large fridge, microwave and kitchen fan.
Delivery service
If you don’t have the time, we are happy to deliver the caravan to a fixed address. Vagabond is offering a wide range of extra equipment to accommodate your holiday. Please let us know how we might help you in the best way.
Lenght: 763 cm
Width: 250 cm
Weight net: 1450 kg
Weight gross: 1750
Org. nr. 932 863 464
Stigerveien 12
N-3031 Drammen
Vagabond Campers er opptatt av sikkerhet, kvalitet og personlig service i hele vårt samarbeid. Vi streber etter å skape minner for livet gjennom velprøvde utleieløsninger og personlig støtte
Takk for at du betror oss planene og opplevelsene dine